@yogazamene Live Online Classes
Enjoy a Free Yoga Class
Why would you?
First of all - it's free! Secondly, it is good to check it out: the yoga style, the sequences, teacher, the whole package. During these strange times, our yoga classes are exclusively virtual, but live & interactive.
You will be informed as soon as our yogazamene studio will be opened.

Live and interactive?
Yes, you and your teacher participate in real time.
She or he is paying attention on what you are doing, making sure your yoga postures are done properly in a way you'll benefit from them and won't injure yourself in a process.
Also, she is taking care of you, correcting you if necessary, adjusting the training to your body status, choosing for you alternative asanas with similar benefits.
You can also ask questions and get personalised tips afterwords.
The best thing are one-on-one yoga classes. Particularly if you have a health condition that restricts your movement, or you are a total beginner and would like to learn basic yoga postures before joining the group classes.
Group classes are 75 minutes long, individual ones last 60 minutes.
For more details please see our contact info or check out our