Corporate @yogazamene - Workplace Yoga Class
Importance of employee health level and wellness is unquestionable nowadays. A healthy workplace directly translates to increased productivity.
Yoga in the Workplace is an essential addition to a company's employee-wellness program. Now, during Covid-19 Pandemic, classes are held via Zoom application.
There are many benefits like: Increased Energy and Productivity, Reduced Stress, Improved Posture, Increased Focus and Creativity, Decreased Irritability and Aggression.
Per-Class donation and/or Membership fee is defined according to the company specifics and is subject of the agreement.
Need a tip or more info before? Send and e-mail or WhatsApp message.
🇭🇷 390,00 kn
Korporativna @yogazamene prilagođena je načinu rada i zaposlenicima određene tvrtke. Redovitim vježbanjem zaposlenici • su boljeg općeg tjelesnog stanja, • lakše se fokusiraju na poslovne zadatke, • pokazuju veću razinu kreativnosti, • vještiji su u komunikaciji. Danas, tijekom Kovid-19 pandemije, treninzi se održavaju putem Zoom aplikacije.
Iznos donacije za pojedini trening i/ili mjesečne članarine predmet je dogovora i ovisi o mnogim specifičnostima i zahtjevima.
Trebaš dodatnu informaciju? Pošalji e-mail ili WhatsApp message.